Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare
Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare

Bye bye Belgium

The day began when we gathered at the station in Kortrijk at 11 o’clock. We said our goodbyes to our parents and went on the train. We had to switch trains in Gent, which was challenging with heavy luggage. We were all a little bit tired but when we arrived in Zaventem we were all so excited to go on the plane. Everything went very quickly. We didn’t have any problems when we checked in. Our flight was delayed for 10 minutes because the weather was not good in Italy. The flight passed by very fast, we even got a free drink and Italian cookies. Our landing in Milan Linate was smooth, and even with sunshine welcoming us. After picking up our luggage, we had a very pleasant welcome by our host family at the airport. After a tour of our home for the next week, we went out to eat some pizza which was very delicious. While we were eating, we had some time to talk to everyone, such as the teachers and the students, but also the parents. After that, we got back to our host family and  gave our welcome gifts. They were very happy and insisted on sharing them with us. And after a very long but fun day we went to sleep.

Tine Olivier

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