Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare
Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare

Tuesday – Sirmione

Today we woke up early to take the bus to the beautiful medieval town of Sirmione, situated at the south coast of Lake Garda. The bus drive was about one and a half hour. Once we arrived, our tour guide was already waiting for us. She gave us a well-explained tour through the Grotto Di Catullo, a Roman villa – or the remains of it – that was built at the farthest point of the peninsula.

The village is almost fully surrounded by water, making us enjoy all the beautiful views of the peninsula: the lake, the mountains, the ducks and the mediterranean trees and flowers everywhere. By then it was lunchtime, and of course we ate delicious pizza ?! In the afternoon, we were free to walk around in Sirmione. We also had the opportunity to buy and drink something. Of course, we also enjoyed an ice cream with our group.

At 16.30, we gathered again at the bus to return to Milan. Arriving in Milan, we went to our host families to eat dinner. After dinner, we met in smaller groups. Some at Simone’s place, some in other groups. The boys all watched football too, and then it was time to go to sleep, to be fully ready for tomorrow when we will be practising our opening speeches.

Tine Olivier

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