Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare
Eductional Exchanges - Klein Seminarie Roeselare

Monday – San Raffaele and Milan

Today was our first full day in Milan. After a good night of sleep and a delicious breakfast, we went to Liceo San Raffaele for the first time. In the morning, we had an online explanation about the RaffaMun-project by the legendary teacher of English, Romina.

After the coffee break, we had a simulation of how the debates will be done on Thursday and Friday. In the afternoon, we travelled into the city of Milan by metro and explored the city on foot. It was a nice combination of visiting historical buildings and a taste of the typical Italian ice cream. Really yummy ?!

After the city walk we went for an apero in a nice pub in the student and artistic neighbourhood of Navigli. Navigli is a system of canals, or a small river that centuries ago was dug by Leonardo da Vinci (or his construction team at least) to transport all marble stones from the mountains into the city to build the Duomo.

We had a wonderful start of this exchange week, first at school, then in historical Milan and to end the day with our Italian friends in Navigli. A fun night, but happy to go to bed as well! Good night! ??

Tine Olivier

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